
Saturday, June 16, 2012

7-week Sketchdump!

Aloha ye denizens of the information superhighway! Whoa, I haven't heard anyone call the interwebs that since those non-sanctioned fieldtrips with Mrs. Frizzle . . . am I dating myself?  In any case, I had the incredible opportunity recently to take a gesture drawing course from one of my heroes, Ryan Woodward (plug!). While ostensibly a figure drawing class, the course was essentially a 2 month intensive in creativity.  Ryan pushed our brains to the limit, and we grew a lot.  I feel incredibly blessed to have participated.

Each week we had a sketchbook theme, which we were to incorporate into our work, inspired by life sketching.  Here are some selections from my sketchbooks:

Week 1: Romance

Week 2: John Hughes Film

Week 3: Extreme Sports Mothers
(PS- Hitler was from our readings that week.  Apparently he banned Mickey Mouse cartoons in Germany in 1935 . . . thus officially completing his turn to the dark side.)

Week 4: Socialite

Week 5: Monsters

Week 6: Star Wars Ponies

Week 7: Sci-fi


  1. All right! I think my favorite, seeing them all together, is the socialite week. I guess the gestures and ideas in that one really strike me, though these are all excellent.

    It looks like you had a blast and learned a lot from this course. It'll be great to see how it affects your work in the future! :)

    1. Thanks for the compliment! The socialite week though? Interesting . . . posting these I thought that might have been the weakest of the bunch . . . though I am happy with the eyelash drawing lol. I would have said I was tickled with it, but that would have been a terrible pun ;)

    2. Eww... ;) Okay, well, you're probably right. It was very much a Reader Response-based opinion, formed when I was rather tackleboxed. Maybe I mostly liked them because the colors (hi-lighter marks?) and lines were all uniform. Shallow? Probably...

      Second run through, I really like the giant robot/alien battle happening on the penultimate page, because it's awesome. And the leech ship, which is still a neat pirate idea, has a face like a water buffalo. }:e)

    3. (And of course, Pony George Lucas will always hold a special place in my heart. ;) )

    4. Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, though :) I didn't mean to smother your thought there, I just found it interesting that we had such different perspectives. Lol other people have made the same observation about the leech ship . . . ha poor pirates, I bet they have a hard time getting people to take them seriously ;} "Everybody's got a water buffalo . . ." :)

  2. Dude, Josh, you rock. I seriously love seeing your artwork on here.

    (I viewed this post on my phone, but marked it as unread because I wanted to see them full size.)

    1. I'm seriously honored :) Thanks for taking the time!

  3. So...stinkin'....talented.

    (And no you're not fact I recall you smelling quite nice Josh)

    1. haha thanks bro :) You smell pretty good yourself! pretty fancy, in fact, yessir :)

  4. Josh your a sketching fiend!!! I think that's how you spell fiend...anyhow way to be, you make me realize how much more I need to sketch from life! Wonderful job and way to infuse excitement and story in all your work, keep it up :)

    1. Thanks Ren, that means a lot, especially coming from an artist I look up to. I'm always inspired by your work

  5. Haha! I love the Star Wars ponies!! The droid are my favorites. Nice work, I really admire it.

    1. Thanks! It was a definite learning experience ha

  6. Dude your a beast. Super talented. I really like your work. It intimidates me cause I'm no where as good as you, but I'm still growing. My art blog is:
    Hey could you add my food blog: just until the English class is done. lol so confused why both my blogs have the same name almost, but whatever.
