
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"City of Enoch" concept

This one's part of a series of illustrations for my Doctrine and Covenants teacher.  It's still rough and painterly, but I kind of like the way it turned out :)

The people of the City of Enoch, or Zion, became so righteous that the whole city was brought up to meet God.  Hearing the story as a child, I always wondered what it would look like to have a city uprooted out of the ground and pulled into the sky, so illustrating this chapter was particularly fun :)

I thought it would be neat to take dirt up with the city, like the dirt clinging to the roots of an uprooted tree.  Also in this concept there's a river that ran through the city while it was on the ground, so that as it rises up into the sky the water spills off the sides in waterfalls


  1. Oooh, I really love this! I personally like the "rough and painterly" effect, to me it seems like it fits the piece.

    1. Hi Allie, thanks for commenting! It was a fun piece to paint :) I'm trying to get better at environments

  2. Replies
    1. I AGREEEEEEEEEE!!! THat's flippin AWESOME!! Plumbing in that place would be a NIGHTMARE!!

    2. Thanks Wesley, thanks Steve (Stephe?)! Lol hopefully any damages from transport would be taken care of upon arrival by the Municipality of Heaven ;)

  3. This really is so fantastic, Josh! The only thing it needs is more GREEEEEN and TREEEES (but then, I Would say that ;) ).

    I like being able to see the size of the city; it's just enormous. I usually have a hard time imagining large places and an even harder time imagining lots of people living in them (the population count of Wyoming is up to, what, 5 now?). So I appreciate being able to look at Zion as you depicted it, because it gives me the structure I need to concretely visualize the hundreds or even thousands of blessed individuals who were righteous enough to go up to God together. It's an awesome and happy thing. :)

    1. Aww, thanks :) I feel like there are a lot of stories in the scriptures that could use more visual exploration. Including this one; I'll definitely be doing more concepts in the future. And I'll be sure to include more "GREEEEEN and TREEEES" ;) thanks for your input and support!

    2. Where do you find this story? I want to read it!

  4. I love your idea Josh! I'm Jordan, BTW. Found this picture doing a google search for "City of Enoch." I'm thinking of writing a scifi book that explores the idea of re-creating Utopia thru the ethical use of technology (Transhumanism is the closest term I've found to describe this so far). I would love to hear about what is going on in this picture from your perspective. It looks like you have a propulsion system, that the city is "lifting off" not simply being "taken up." Is that right?
