This was a quick sketch from last night that ended up looking not unlike a "Venusaur" from Pokemon lol, though that was not the conscious intent. I learned a couple of things while working on it, simple concepts, but to me that's what makes them important. The first thought (echoing advice given me by Justin Kunz recently) was that I need to focus on stroke control. The second thought had to do with light. I didn't use a spheretest on this one, and as a result wrangled for a while with my values. They still have issues. The thought occurred to me though, that the value patterns on a given isolated object are the sum of their lambert shading (spheretest-based lighting) and occlusion. Basically, in most situations everything lights as simply as a sphere, plus extra dark spots for the crevices.
And that was boring. Here's an awesome:
Electric Eel Powers Christmas Tree